If we are to experience gender equality the
way the Word of God describes it, we must be
willing to set aside all stereotypes we have of
males and females. Although men and women
may not be seen as equals in the eyes of the
world, they are in God۪s eyes. The Bible goes to
great lengths to teach us about true submission
not just for women, but for men as well. As
believers, the decision by husbands and wives
to submit one to another is based on the way
Christ submits to God and the church submits
to Christ. The domination we see in the world
actually stunts the personal growth and
development of both the husband and the
wife, which is not God۪s best for the
relationship. True headship does not mean
lording over another person, but rather loving
them as much as ourselves and ensuring that
they grow and develop into their true potential.
This describes the example Jesus set, and it is
the perfect model for today۪s marriages.
Understanding Grace | Empowering Change